

英文版関税六法 / Japan Customs Related Laws



Japanese customs laws and regulations are available at the website of the Japan Tariff Association.

  1. 関税法 Customs Act
  2. 関税法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Customs Act
  3. 関税定率法 Customs Tariff Act
  4. 関税定率法施行令 Order for Enforcement of Customs Tariff Act
  5. 関税暫定措置法 Temporary Tariff Measures Act
  6. 関税暫定措置法施行令 Order for Enforcement of the Temporary Tariff Measures Act
  7. 通関業法 Customs Brokerage Act
  8. 相殺関税に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Countervailing Duty
  9. 不当廉売関税に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Anti-dumping Duty
  10. 緊急関税等に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Emergency Duty, etc.
  11. 報復関税等に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Retaliatory Duty, etc.
  12. 経済連携協定に基づく関税の緊急措置に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Emergency Tariff Measures under Economic Partnership Agreements
  13. 関税定率法第5条の規定による便益関税の適用に関する政令 Cabinet Order on Application of Beneficial Duty under Article 5 of the Customs Tariff Act

The English translation of the Japanese laws and regulations available on this website is a tentative translation. Only the original Japanese texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and their translation is to be used solely as a reference to aid in the understanding of the Japanese laws and regulations. For the purposes of interpreting and applying the laws and regulations to any legal issue or dispute, therefore, users are advised to consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.
The English translation provided on this website will be updated and made available to the users when any of the original Japanese texts of the laws or regulations is revised.
